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Member Highlight: Anthony Lepinteur

1. First, list your current professional title. Second, describe your background, experience, and research as it relates to Quality-of-life studies. Feel free to describe this in detail.

I am currently a tenured Research Scientist in the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Luxembourg.

I previously acquired a master's degree in Economics during which I wrote a thesis describing the evolution and determinants of the average stature of military in France during the 19th century. The average stature of a group is an anthropometric tool commonly used in Economic History to measure the quality of living conditions. I then completed a PhD in Economics at the Paris School of Economics under the supervision of Andrew E. Clark and David N. Margolis. The articles that make up my dissertation share the common goal of understanding the impact of labour market reforms on subjective well-being (as measured by life satisfaction). During my PhD, I had the chance to join Sir Richard Layard's team at the London School of Economics for a year.

After my PhD, I joined the University of Luxembourg for a PostDoc in Conchita D'Ambrosio's team in the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Luxembourg. I chose the University of Luxembourg because of the central role of inter-disciplinary research there, and I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to interact with and learn from not only economists but also psychologists, sociologists and political scientists.

In May 2021, I obtained a tenured position and I am currently developing my research agenda on the causes and consequences of well-being at work, with a particular focus on the phenomenon of job insecurity.

2.  What initially attracted you to the field of quality-of-life studies?

I believe that my interest in quality-of-life studies can be explained in two ways.

As an economist, I was rapidly confronted with the concept of utility. Although it is a central theoretical tool, the question of its empirical measurement remains problematic, even today. Quality-of-life studies first allowed me to give substance to the abstract concept of utility.

Second, I believe that the improved understanding of phenomena like well-being at work and job insecurity should not be limited to objective outcomes, such as changes in economic resources or employment status. Quality-of-life studies have stimulating approaches that encourage interactions with different disciplines such as Psychology and Sociology and shed light on mechanisms that would have likely remained invisible through the lenses of more traditional measures.

3. What are some areas of quality-of-life studies you feel are lacking attention? Any advice for future QoL researchers?

I consider that quality-of-life studies are structured around four main directions. The first two are the validation of well-being measures and the causes of well-being. Many efforts have already been made in these areas. However, it is still necessary to defend the usefulness of well-being measures today.

The following two areas of research are those that I consider to be the most promising for the future: the consequences of well-being and the use of well-being measures as a tool to document socio-economic phenomena and guide public policy. I strongly encourage future QoL researchers to engage in these avenues as I think they are intellectually exciting and politically fundamental.

4. How long have you been a member of ISQOLS? Why did you choose to be a member of ISQOLS? How has your involvement in ISQOLS impacted your career/research/advancement in your knowledge of QoL studies?

One of the great strengths of ISQOLS, in my opinion, lies in the plurality of the topics addressed and the disciplines represented. This is why I naturally joined ISQOLS in 2018 and have since regularly participated in sessions organized by GLO/EHERO during the annual conference. I have received valuable advice for each of the papers I have presented at ISQOLS conferences, advice that I would surely not have received in any other context.


5. Feel free to include any other important comments or things you'd like to share with the ISQOLS community.

More than a comment, I would like to thank the ISQOLS community for its kindness, generosity and ability to create a space where innovative ideas can emerge at any time.

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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