ISQOLS Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
The International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship is intended to support one postdoctoral candidate conducting research in quality-of-life, happiness, and/or wellbeing studies.
The one-year fellowship award offers a $5,000 stipend and a paid conference registration to ISQOLS Annual conference, as well as a one-year ISQOLS membership.
Fellowship Requirements:
The Post-Doctoral Research Fellow is required to submit one paper to the ISQOLS Working Paper Series, a non-peer reviewed publication. The paper will be edited by the WPS series editor(s). The guidelines for the papers are to be determined by the Working Paper Series Committee.
The Post-Doctoral Research Fellow will also present one webinar to the ISQOLS community, with an overview of the research conducted during the fellowship.
Post-doc (early career) individuals, who are no more than 5 years from the completion of their dissertation/graduation.
Must have completed a dissertation and/or research project on a topic related to the field of quality-of-life, happiness, and/or well-being studies.
Application process:
The application deadline was 31 January 2025, and the Fellowship will run from 1 March 2025 to 1 March 2026.
Questions: contact office@isqols.org
ISQOLS 2024 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: Dr. Giulia Slater
Dr. Giulia Slater is junior researcher in Economics at STATEC Research, the research division of the National Statistics Office of Luxembourg. Before that, she completed a PhD in Economics at the University of Siena. Her work has since focused on the role of social capital for the well-being of individuals and societies. In particular, she explored the importance of both relational goods and trust in directly determining the mental health and life satisfaction of people, as well as their role as moderators of the importance of money for subjective well-being. As part of her PhD dissertation, she further analyzed the role of social capital for well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic, both at the individual level and from a public health and governance perspective. She has recently been working on the relationship between trust and economic growth, and published an ISQOLS working paper on the topic. Some of her other research interests include well-being and social relations at work, the epidemiology of social capital, and the role of subjective well-being in determining productivity and consumption. She is now part of an international Horizon project, which aims, among other things, at exploring the possibility of using a well-being framework to create a sustainable economy. She started researching in the field of quality of life because as a trained economist she was taught to measure utility with income, and to measure progress with economic growth. She never thought this was the best way to do so, and finding that researchers had been using subjective well-being convinced her it could be an alternative to empirically measure utility. Moreover, it became clear to her that focusing on making well-being a priority would be key in making sure societies will thrive in a world of environmental and social challenges that include climate crises and inequality concerns, including well-being ones. Dr. Slater thinks the field of quality of life studies still has a lot to develop and research on: firstly, she believes that to better inform policy making we should decide on how to best measure subjective well-being, as this topic is still up for much debate. Secondly, quality of life research should find a way to implement a well-being economy to reconcile the current socio-economic system with a sustainable society. Additionally, we should focus on reducing well-being inequalities, and research into the determinants and solutions for the increasing misery that many individuals are experiencing. Lastly, she believes that what could benefit the field is further research on policies targeting well-being and social capital and how these can be implemented. She has been a member of ISQOLS since she attended the online conference in 2021, and she has attended all the yearly events after to keep up with all the great work that well-being scholars are producing in this interdisciplinary context. The ISQOLS community has always been very supportive of her work and her career development, and she is grateful for the research, as well as material, help that ISQOLS provided her with, for instance with the education grant in 2022 and the post-doctoral fellowship. She has learned a lot on quality of life studies since being a member of ISQOLS and she is happy to continue being part of this community. |
ISQOLS 2023 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: Dr. Emma Pleeging Dr. Emma Pleeging is a senior researcher and project coordinator at the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work focuses on the role of positive experiences such as happiness and hope in society, organisations and for individuals. She has written extensively on the meaning, relevance and measurement of hope from an interdisciplinary perspective. Indeed, she has published six papers on hope in international journals since 2020, one received a best paper award, and her dissertation on hope also received a best dissertation award in 2022. Also, she coordinates projects aimed at increasing worker-wellbeing in Dutch organisations. In her dissertation, she focused specifically on the definition, role and measurement of hope. This topic will always stay close to her heart, but she also believe it will become increasingly important in the field of quality-of-life. People are inherently forward looking creatures, and how we view our future is so important for both how we feel in the moment, and how we behave to create a better future. Especially in a time where we are increasingly aware of the challenges that lay ahead, hope is a constructive force to help us prepare for the future, without closing our eyes to the uncertainties of the future. She has been a member of ISQOLS since the first year she visited its conference in 2016. The community surrounding ISQOLS has been incredibly uplifting and supportive in the development of her career. She has greatly enjoyed both the informal talks with a greatly diverse and positive-minded group of people, as well as the formal opportunities to present her work and receive recognition from academics she greatly admires. |