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Member Highlight: Bryan Hains


First, list your current professional title. Second, describe your background, experience, and research as it relates to Quality-of-life studies. Feel free to describe this in detail.

Professional Title:

Dr. Bryan Hains: Professor, Community & Agricultural Education, Department of Community & Leadership Development, University of Kentucky.

Director, Community Innovation Lab, University of Kentucky

Professional Background:

I am a bit unorthodox in that I have a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and a Master of Science in Animal Science both from Colorado State University. After teaching high school agriculture in Indiana, I attended Purdue University where I received a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. I have been teaching community and agricultural education at the University of Kentucky for the past 16 years. My research focuses on the complexities of community engagement and cultural implications associated with community learning and development.

What initially attracted you to the field of quality-of-life studies?

Throughout my professional life I have had a unique perspective into the field of Quality-of-Life studies. I started my career as a public-school educator in Agricultural Education. As a teacher I was continuously engaged in the local community. As part of this experience, I was able to examine factors influencing the quality of life of both my student and community members firsthand.

My experience as an educator sparked an interest in deepening my understanding of the impacts of emotion on human cognition. Since then, I have studied directly and indirectly human quality of life within several community contexts domestically and internationally. Most recently my work has focused on addressing sources of youth and young adult gun violence within our communities.


What are some areas of quality-of-life studies you feel are lacking attention? Any advice for future QoL researchers?

I am not sure that I believe there are certain areas that lack attention. However, I thoroughly enjoy the variety of contexts in which our colleagues apply QoL theories and frameworks. I would encourage multidisciplinary research that addresses contemporary issues using strengths from a multitude of disciplinary fields.


How long have you been a member of ISQOLS? Why did you choose to be a member of ISQOLS? How has your involvement in ISQOLS impacted your career/research/advancement in your knowledge of QoL studies?

I am happy to have been a member of ISQOLS since 2019 and must admit that I am hooked! I was first approached by Dr. Rhonda Phillips who explained how wonderful this organization is and she was absolutely right. I truly appreciate its multidisciplinarity when it comes to social and community issues. It incorporates a great mix of researchers, practitioners, and educators, which I believe is the only way we will deepen our understanding of human quality of life within diverse contexts.

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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