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Member Highlight: Hossein Mousazadeh

1. First, list your current professional title. Second, describe your background, experience, and research as it relates to Quality-of-life studies. 

As a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Purdue University Honors College, Community and Well-Being Learning Collaborative, my focus lies at the intersection of Quality of Life Studies, Community Development, Happiness & Well-Being, and Tourism Management. With a fervent commitment to creating a positive impact and fostering community development, I deeply committed to pioneering innovative solutions that promote sustainability and enhance the quality of life and well-being.

My academic journey began with a Ph.D. from Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary, where I conducted research on quality of life and sense of place. My dissertation focused on three European capital cities: Budapest, Vienna, and Bratislava. Through this research, I developed a comprehensive framework known as QOLSOP (Quality of Life and Sense of Place), which aimed to understand and enhance individuals' quality of life and well-being within urban environments. Throughout my academic and professional career, I have remained deeply committed to pioneering innovative solutions. I believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based practices to address complex social challenges effectively. As an ISQOLS member, I am excited to share my experiences, insights, and ongoing research endeavors with the broader community. I look forward to contributing to meaningful discussions and collaborations aimed at advancing the field of Quality of Life Studies and fostering positive change worldwide.

2.  What initially attracted you to the field of quality-of-life studies?

What initially drew me to the field of quality-of-life studies was a deep-seated curiosity about what truly constitutes a fulfilling and meaningful life. As an individual deeply invested in understanding human experiences and well-being, I was intrigued by the multidimensional nature of quality of life and the various factors that contribute to it. Quality-of-life studies offered a holistic framework for exploring not only material wealth and physical health but also psychological, social, and environmental dimensions of well-being. This interdisciplinary approach resonated with my belief that to address complex societal challenges effectively, we must consider the interconnectedness of various aspects of human life.

Additionally, I was particularly interested in understanding how natural elements, such as proximity to rivers, impact the quality of life of citizens living in urban environments. This interest prompted my early research during my Ph.D., where I explored the effects of natural surroundings on community well-being, particularly for those living close to rivers. Understanding these dynamics provided valuable insights into how urban planning and environmental policies can influence quality of life outcomes.

Furthermore, the onset of crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, reinforced the significance of quality-of-life studies. The pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities within communities and underscored the importance of resilience and adaptability in maintaining well-being during challenging times. Exploring how crises impact community quality of life became a focal point of my research, as I sought to understand the multifaceted implications of such events on individuals and societies.


3. What are some areas of quality-of-life studies you feel are lacking attention? Any advice for future QoL researchers?

While ISQOLS has made significant strides in various aspects of quality-of-life studies, there may still be areas within the field that could benefit from further attention. One such area is the intersection between community development, community well-being, and quality of life. Research could delve into how community-level factors contribute to individual and collective well-being, as well as how interventions at the community level can promote happiness and overall quality of life. Additionally, exploring quality of life in developing countries, particularly among new generations, is an important avenue for further investigation. These regions often face unique challenges such as economic instability, inadequate access to healthcare and education, environmental issues, and social inequalities, all of which profoundly affect the well-being of younger generations. Understanding these factors' impact and exploring various aspects of young people's lives, including access to education, employment opportunities, healthcare services, and social support networks, can provide valuable insights for informing policies and interventions aimed at improving well-being. Moreover, investigating the role of cultural norms, traditions, and socio-economic conditions in shaping perceptions of well-being among youth in developing countries can offer additional insights into the complexities of quality-of-life dynamics. O verall, fostering interdisciplinary research and collaboration in these areas can help fill potential gaps in quality-of-life studies and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of well-being across diverse contexts.

4. How long have you been a member of ISQOLS? Why did you choose to be a member of ISQOLS? How has your involvement in ISQOLS impacted your career/research/advancement in your knowledge of QoL studies?

Since 2020, I have been a member of ISQOLS, initially joining as a young researcher drawn to the organization's focus on Quality of Life (QoL) studies, which aligned closely with my research interests. Choosing to be a member of ISQOLS was a natural decision given that my PhD dissertation was directly in line with their aim and scope. Throughout my membership, ISQOLS has played a significant role in shaping my career and advancing my knowledge of QoL studies. Each year, I have eagerly submitted my research results to ISQOLS, and in return, I have received invaluable feedback that has helped me enhance my understanding and methodologies. Additionally, my involvement in ISQOLS has facilitated extensive networking opportunities, connecting me with researchers from around the world who are also working in this field. These connections have not only enriched my research but have also opened doors to new academic opportunities and collaborations, ultimately shaping my career and academic future.

5. Feel free to include any other important comments or things you'd like to share with the ISQOLS community.

First and foremost, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the ISQOLS community for their kindness, support, and steadfast dedication to cultivating an environment conducive to the flourishing of scientific and academic endeavors. The tireless efforts of both organizers and members have established a platform where pioneering research and profound insights into quality of life can surface at any given time. I am truly thankful for the opportunities ISQOLS has provided me to expand my knowledge and connect with fellow researchers from diverse backgrounds. I wholeheartedly recommend any researcher interested in quality of life studies to join this esteemed society, as the wealth of resources and collaborative spirit within ISQOLS is truly unparalleled. Live and learn.

Hossein Mousazadeh, PhD

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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