Call for Book Proposals
Community Quality of Life and Well-Being
Aims and Scope of the Series
Series Editor: Rhonda Phillips, Purdue University, US
Editorial Board: Meg Holden, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Charlotte Khan, The Boston Foundation, US; Youngwha Kee, Soongsil University, Korea; Alex Michalos, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada; Don Rahtz, College of William and Mary, US; Joseph Sirgy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, US; Ben Warner, Jacksonville Community Council, Inc., US
Community Quality of Life and Well-being is a book series comprised of volumes related to local and regional level research, providing current and leading edge information to planners, policy makers, and quality of life researchers involved in community and regional well-being research and application. Formerly entitled Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Practices, the series reflects the broad scope of well-being. In addition to best practices of community quality-of-life indicators projects the series welcomes a variety of research and practice topics as related to overall community well-being and quality of life dimensions, relating to policy, application, research, and/or practice. Research on issues such as societal happiness, quality of life domains in the policy construct, measuring and gauging progress, dimensions of urban and regional planning and community development, and related topics are anticipated.
This series is published by Springer in partnership with the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), a global society with the purpose of promoting and encouraging research and collaboration in quality of life and well-being theory and applications. More information about ISQOLS can be found at www.isqols.org. The Editor welcomes proposals for both edited volumes and authored monographs contributions on topics such as:
- · Quality of Life in Communities
· Societal Happiness
· Social Health and Well-Being
· Life Satisfaction in various life domains
· Well-Being Theories and Applications
· Quality of Life for Policy Development
- · Measuring and Gauging Quality of Life
· Dimensions of Planning and Community Development
· Indicators of Well-Being
· Overall Community Well-Being
Please direct your inquiries or send your proposal to: Rhonda Phillips, rphillips@purdue.edu
For more information about the series: http://www.springer.com/series/13761