Dear colleagues,
Many of you are familiar with the conference network CAUTHE: The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education :
We are less than a month away before the submission deadline for full papers for CAUTHE 2021 “Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future perfect in tourism, hospitality and events”.
CAUTHE 2021 will be a virtual conference next year and a conference flyer is attached. We were asked to chair the well-being conference track for the event . You will see the list of tracks here:
Bookmark these important dates, so you do not miss out:
- Full paper submission: 1 October 2020
- Working paper submission: 31 October 2020
- Author feedback: 30 November 2020
- Submission of revised papers: 15 December 2020
- Online presentation of papers: 9-11 February 2021
CAUTHE 2021 conference papers qualify for numerous awards ( and publication opportunities including a special issue in the top ranked CAUTHE journal (Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, SSCI impact factor 3.415,
Best regards,
Sebastian Filep and Andreas H. Zins

Andreas H. Zins
Full Professor
Dean | Faculty of Business
Curtin University Malaysia
Tel | +60 85 000 000 (GMT +8)
Fax | +60 85 000 000
Mobile | +66 82 456 3108
Email |
Web |
Adjunct Full Professor | MODUL University Vienna |
Department of Tourism and Service Management
Adjunct Associate Professor | Vienna University of Economics and Business |
Department of Service Marketing and Tourism

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