Dear ISQOLS Community:
After celebrating my 85th birthday last August and continuing my struggle with a variety of health problems, it occurred to me that I should begin downsizing my quality-of-life library. The biggest chunk of it is about 150 volumes (over 600 issues) of Social Indicators Research, currently running from May 1974, Volume 1, Number 1 to November 2020, Volume 152, Number 2. I founded it and served as editor for 40 years.
I understand that most libraries avoid hard copy journals in favour of digitized versions, but there may be an institution or individual with a special interest in having the world’s first scholarly documents developing our field. There are, of course, additional documents concerning various transactions between the journal’s editor and many other stakeholders, but these require more organizing and editing than copies of the journal itself.
Volumes and issues of the journal are carefully boxed and I would ship them to their new owner in exchange for a tax receipt acceptable to
Revenue Canada plus the shipping costs for the collection.
Anyone with questions or an interest in obtaining these copies of Social Indicators Research can contact me at .
Alex C. Michalos