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Methodological Issues in QOL Research

  • Beckie, T. M., & Hayduk, L. A. (1997). Measuring quality of life. Social Indicators Research, 42, 21-39.
  • Brown, R. I. (2017). Quality of life—Challenges to research, practice and policy. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(1), 7-14.
  • Bruni, L., & Porta, P. L. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Happiness and Quality of Life. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated.
  • Cole, B. F., Lee, M. T., & Mesbah, M. (Eds.). (2013). Statistical Methods for Quality of Life Studies: Design, Measurements and Analysis. Netherlands: Springer US.
  • Cummins, R. A. (2005). Issues in the systematic assessment of quality of life. Assessing adults with intellectual disabilities: A service providers' guide, 9-22.
  • Dijkers, M. (1999). Measuring quality of life: methodological issues: 1. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 78(3), 286-300.
  • Gullone, E., & Cummins, R. (Eds.). (2012). The Universality of Subjective Wellbeing Indicators: A Multi-disciplinary and Multi-national Perspective. Germany: Springer Netherlands.
  • Jacoby, A. (2013). Theoretical and methodological issues in measuring quality of life. In Quality of life in epilepsy (pp. 43-64). Psychology Press.
  • Land, K. C., Michalos, A. C. (2011). Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.
  • Lin, X. J., Lin, I. M., & Fan, S. Y. (2013). Methodological issues in measuring health-related quality of life. Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 25(1), 8-12.
  • Martel, J. P., & Dupuis, G. (2006). Quality of work life: Theoretical and methodological problems, and presentation of a new model and measuring instrument. Social indicators research, 77, 333-368.
  • Møller, V., Huschka, D. (2008). Quality of Life and the Millennium Challenge: Advances in Quality-of-Life Studies, Theory and Research. Germany: Springer Netherlands.
  • Rapley, M. (2003). Quality of life research: A critical introduction.
  • Schalock, R. L. (1990). Quality of life: Perspectives and issues. American Association on Mental Retardation, 1719 Kalorama Rd., NW, Washington, DC 20009.
  • Selai, C. E., & Rosser, R. M. (1993). Good quality quality? Some methodological issues. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 86(8), 440-443.
  • Sirgy, M. J., & Sirgy, M. J. (2001). Measures and measurement issues in QOL research. Handbook of Quality-of-Life Research: An Ethical Marketing Perspective, 77-133.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (2014). Handbook of Quality-Of-Life Research. Netherlands: Springer.
  • Tonon, G. (Ed.). (2015). Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life: Methodology and Practice. Germany: Springer International Publishing.
  • Varricchio, C. G. (2006, January). Measurement issues in quality-of-life assessments. In Oncology Nursing Forum (Vol. 33).
  • Veenhoven, R. (2024). Quality of life (QOL), an overview. Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research, 5668-5671.
  • von Humboldt, S. (2016). Conceptual and Methodological Issues on the Adjustment to Aging: Perspectives on Aging Well. Germany: Springer Netherlands.
  • Webster, N. J., Stimson, R. J., & Marans, R. W. (Eds.). (2024). Handbook of Quality of Life Research: Place and Space Perspectives. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Whiteneck, G., & Dijkers, M. P. (2009). Difficult to measure constructs: conceptual and methodological issues concerning participation and environmental factors. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 90(11), S22-S35.
  • Zhan, L. (1992). Quality of life: conceptual and measurement issues. Journal of advanced nursing, 17(7), 795-800.
  • Zumbo, B. D. (Ed.). (2013). Advances in Quality of Life Research 2001. Germany: Springer Netherlands.

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Quality-of-Life Studies

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