ISQOLS is excited to introduce a monthly virtual meeting space for our members! Using the platform,, we have created an online place that looks and feels very much like our conference experiences. When you log-in, you will be able to enter the meeting space, using your webcam, and interact with other members like you would at our conferences. This will give you a chance to interact with ISQOLS members much like you would at our in-person events. Click this link to view a demo of our space.
Event Date: June 24
Pacific Time, 8:00am/12:00noon Brazil time/5:00pm CEST
TOPIC: Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health
The restrictions caused by COVID-19 pandemics accelerated the globalization process in higher education. Universities all over the world incorporated Information Technology support. In Brazil, the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) is making efforts to adapt to remote work and activities. UFBA is a large, public academic institution in Salvador City, the capital of the State of Bahia. The Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health (PPGMS) from the Faculty of Medicine investigates quality of life, and aspects related to environment, work, and health. In the session, we will present lines of research and studies about quality of life conducted by the PPGMS, aiming to promote international collaboration in this field.
Presented by: Liliane Lins-Kusterer
Specialist in Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellow of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Master of Science in Dentistry, Ph.D. in Human Pathology, Habilitation in Bioethics
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Bahia (FMB-UFBA)
Group Leader, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Laboratory of Research in Infectious Diseases (LAPI), University Hospital, UFBA
Head of the research group on quality of life and instrument validation of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health, FMB-UFBA
Visiting Scientist, Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health