ISQOLS Psychology of Wellbeing Certification
The Psychology of Wellbeing Certification program involves participating in 10 webinars. ISQOLS Members are allowed the opportunity to view each webinar for FREE; $50 USD for non-members. (Please note: to become officially certified, participants must officially register. For more details, visit:
WEBINAR 8: Tuesday, April 19th 2022, 10-11:30 am (EST)
Population Segments and Wellbeing
This webinar will cover the following topics:
The Wellbeing of Children and Youth: We will discuss research related to the conceptualization of children and youth, explaining wellbeing in children and youth, factors affecting wellbeing in children and youth, and wellbeing indicators of children and youth.
The Wellbeing of Older Adults: We will discuss reseach related to the quality of life of seniors, explaining subjective aspects of quality of life of seniors, and factors affecting their wellbeing.
The Wellbeing of Women: We will discuss research related to hedonic wellbeing, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia for women; explaining women’s wellbeing (vis-avis men’s wellbeing); and important factors that influence women’s subjective quality of life.
The Wellbeing of Geographic Population Segments: We will discuss research related to conceptual distinctions, methodological problems, comparative analysis, the wellbeing of specific world regions, and country-specific wellbeing.
Specialty Population Segments:We will discuss research related to speciality segments such as the mentally ill, the disabled, drug addicts, sexual minorities, sex workers, healthcare providers, immigrants and refugees, teachers, caregivers, tourists, and residents of tourism communities.
M. Joseph (Joe) Sirgy is a management psychologist (Ph.D., U/Massachusetts, 1979) and the Virginia Tech Real Estate Professor Emeritus of Marketing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA) and Extraordinary Professor at the WorkWell Research Unit at North West University – Potchefstroom Campus (South Africa). He has published extensively in the area of business ethics and quality of life (QOL). His awards include: International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies’ (ISQOLS’) Distinguished Fellow Award, ISQOLS’ Distinguished QOL Researcher, Academy of Marketing Science’s (AMS) Distinguished Fellow Award, AMS’ Harold Berkman Service Award, Virginia Tech’s Pamplin Teaching Excellence Award/Holtzman Outstanding Educator Award and University Certificate of Teaching Excellence, the EuroMed Management Research Award, and the Macromarketing Society’s Robert W. Nason Award. Best paper awards include articles published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the Journal of Travel Research, and Applied Research in Quality of Life. His editorial responsibilities include co-founding editor of Applied Research in Quality of Life, editor of the QOL section in the Journal of Macromarketing, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Macromarketing, editor of ISQOLS’/Springer’s book series on International Handbooks in QOL, Community QOL Indicators--Best Cases, Applied Research in QOL--Best Practices, and co-editor of the Springer book series on Human Well-Being and Policy Making.