ISQOLS Webinar
"Self-Compassion in these Changing Times"
Wednesday, 4 October
8:00am PDT/11:00am EDT/5:00pm CEST
As these times we are currently living in are very “ challenging” for many, there is a growing need for a more compassionate approach to well-being. As scientific research shows, people with higher well-being are healthier and live longer. We in the research world know that in addition to having deep biological survival tendencies, we are also born to be natural givers - giving to ourselves first is the key to personal growth and happiness.
A large and growing body of research suggests that self-compassion reduces anxiety, makes us more resilient in the face of challenges and improves overall our mental health. Self-compassion is a skill that can be learned by anyone - it involves generating feelings of kindness and care toward ourselves and learning to be present with greater ease during some of our life's current struggles.
In this webinar, we will first begin by giving an introductory overview of self-compassion and the many areas in our lives in which it plays a major role on our decision making. I will help the participants first, understand and define the importance of self-compassion and then explain it’s components. This webinar will also bring the self-compassion puzzle pieces together and eventually help people thrive and develop. Participants will learn practical techniques and exercises for cultivating self-compassion. I will offer “tools" for cultivating self-compassion, boosting happiness, and reducing stress in yourself and others and provide a cure to those negative inner thoughts that eventually keep us isolated and alienated. The participants will also engage in interactive activities which will foster a sense of community and shared learning. I will end the webinar by summarizing what we learned and will provide “takeaways”. These new and daily “takeaways", if practiced” will increase well-being in both your personally and professionally lives.
For over 30 years, Randall Birnberg, an American educator, has been helping to develop the human potential that lies within each individual. Whether it was the Native Americans on the reservations in New Mexico or Italian street children in Rome, he always provided the crucial psychological tools to work out individual strengths, individual consciousness and self-compassion. Twenty four years ago, he brought his knowledge and experience to Europe. In university lectures, seminars and trainings, he "teaches" doctoral students, business men and women, employees of international companies and private individuals and groups throughout Europe. As a happiness researcher at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Randall works within the relatively new science of happiness, also known as "Positive Psychology". Positive psychology deals with human emotions, strengths, relationships, the meaning of life and our achievements. Through mindfulness and self-compassion, we increase our wellbeing and happiness - eventually building a positive relationships with first, ourselves and then those around us. Randall has helped Ukrainian refugees living in Germany to integrate into the German culture i.e., namely by teaching self-compassion techniques as well as love and kindness meditations. His current passion is to give people “tools” in retreats around Europe, which will eventually help them build resilience during these changing times.