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ISQOLS 2025 Pre-conference Workshop: A Crash Course on the Psychology of Wellbeing

  • 21 Jul 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • University of Luxembourg



Workshop Title:

A Crash Course on the Psychology of Wellbeing

Instructor:  Dr. M. Joseph Sirgy 

Date and Time: Monday 21 July, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Location: University of Luxembourg (room TBA)


  • $35 USD (ISQOLS Members)/$20 USD (Student, Retired, Developing Country ISQOLS Members); 

  • $50 USD (Non-ISQOLS members)/$35 USD (Student, Retired, Developing Country non-ISQOLS Members)

Workshop Description:

This workshop serves to introduce many novice well-being/QOL researchers to the burgeoning research on the psychology of well-being to help them ease into this stream of research with some confidence. The workshop will provide an overview of the following areas of research on the psychology of well-being and quality of life:

·       Philosophical Foundations, Definitions, and Measures

·       Consequences of Happiness

·       Objective Reality and Its Effects on Happiness

·       Subjective Reality and Its Effects on Happiness

·       Life Domains and Their Effects on Happiness

·       Population Segments and Happiness

Activities and Duration: The workshop is essentially an in-person seminar: lecture style with some degree of instructor-participant interaction. The workshop is scheduled as a half-day session.

 Reading Material: This workshop will be based on the following book: Sirgy, M. Joseph (2020). The Psychology of Quality of Life: Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health. 3rd edition. Cham: Springer Nature

Workshop Instructor: 

Prof. Dr.M. Joseph (Joe) Sirgyis a management psychologist (Ph.D., U/Massachusetts, 1979) and the Virginia Tech Real Estate Professor Emeritus of Marketing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA) and Extraordinary Professor at the WorkWell Research Unit at North West University – Potchefstroom Campus (South Africa). He has published extensively in business ethics and quality of life (QOL). His awards include International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies’ (ISQOLS’) Distinguished Fellow Award, ISQOLS’ Distinguished QOL Researcher, Academy of Marketing Science’s (AMS) Distinguished Fellow Award, AMS’ Harold Berkman Service Award, Virginia Tech’s Pamplin Teaching Excellence Award/Holtzman Outstanding Educator Award and University Certificate of Teaching Excellence, the EuroMed Management Research Award, and the Macromarketing Society’s Robert W. Nason Award. Best paper awards include articles published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the Journal of Travel Research, and Applied Research in Quality of Life. His editorial responsibilities include co-founding editor of Applied Research in Quality of Life, editor of the QOL section in the Journal of Macromarketing, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Macromarketing, editor of ISQOLS’/Springer’s book series on International Handbooks in QOL, Community QOL Indicators--Best Cases, Applied Research in QOL--Best Practices, and co-editor of the Springer book series on Human Well-Being and Policy Making.

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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