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The 1st Regional ISQOLS Conference- Africa, "Well-being and Happiness in a Democratic World", 3-5 October 2024,

Johannesburg, South Africa


Dr. Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark holds a PhD from the LSE. He is CNRS Research Professor at the Paris School of Economics, and previously held posts at Dartmouth, Essex, CEPREMAP, DELTA, the OECD and the University of Orléans. His research has covered relative utility or comparisons (to others like you, to your partner etc.), and the use of long-run panel data to model adaptation to life events (such as unemployment, marriage, and divorce). Recent work has used birth-cohort data to analyse the influence of family background and childhood events on adult outcomes (including adult subjective well-being), and considered the causes and consequences of economic insecurity. He is an ISI Highly-Cited Researcher.

Current areas of research include:

  • The causes and consequences of economic insecurity.
  • Subjective well-being: What makes us happy, and what do happy people do?
  • Wages, job amenities, and job quality.

Dr. Martijn Burger

Martijn Burger is Academic Director at the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Professor of Happiness Economics in the Faculty of Management Studies at the Open University of the Netherlands, and guest researcher at the Department of Applied Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics (cum laude) from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Most of his current research focuses on happiness economics and urban and regional economics, including geography of happiness, worker well-being, and institutional and social conditions for economic development. In addition, he is current president (2023-2024) of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies and associate editor of the International Journal of Community Wellbeing.

Dr. Linda Theron

Linda Theron (D.Ed., guidance & counselling) is a professor of educational psychology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and an HPCSA-registered Educational Psychologist. Her clinical and research interest is in the multisystemic factors that inform youth resilience to structural violence, with a special interest in how situational and cultural context shapes African young people’s pathways of resilience to mental health and wellbeing. Linda’s publication record aligns with this interest, as do the studies of the 60 post-graduate students whom she has mentored to completion. She serves as an associate editor for Child Abuse & Neglect (Elsevier) and Journal of Adolescent Research (Sage). The National Research Foundation of South Africa rated Linda’s resilience-focused work as internationally acclaimed and she is an elected member of the Academy of Science, South Africa (ASSAf). 

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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