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  • 18 Dec 2020 10:36 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    International Conference “Well-being 2021: knowledge for informed decisions”

    Hotel Parc Bellevue, Luxembourg, 28 – 30 of June 2021

    Organized by The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and the Ministry of the Economy, Luxembourg

    This international conference will bring together leading scholars to discuss the quest for better lives. Economists traditionally advocated economic growth as the foremost policy goal, but now even economists often challenge this view. The discussion remains open, indeed flourishes, with more contributors than ever. How do we promote well-being? What are the best policies? What is the role for civil society? How can the happiness literature help facing the environmental, social and economic challenges ahead?

    The conference will take place over three days from 28 – 30 of June 2021. We will host four keynote speakers and a roundtable discussing how policy-makers can integrate the findings from well-being studies.

    Topics of the conference

    This is an interdisciplinary conference welcoming contributions from every field of social sciences, such as economics, sociology, psychology, and political sciences. We especially welcome papers on the following topics:

    ·       Correlates and consequences of well-being and ill-being (e.g. personality, wealth, productivity, immigration, occupation, health);

    ·       Well-being over time;

    ·       Well-being inequality;

    ·       Inequality, social capital, and inclusive growth;

    ·       Well-being and the changing environment;

    ·       Public or private interventions for well-being and their evaluations;

    ·       Future directions in well-being research;

    ·       Well-being and ill-being metrics (e.g. single indicators vs. dashboards; micro vs. macro);

    ·       The impact of Covid-19 on well-being and its correlates;

    ·       Big data and well-being.

    Key-note speakers

    The four key-note speakers are: prof. Stefano Bartolini, University of Siena; Mr. John De Graaf, an American author, journalist and film-maker; prof. Carol Graham, Brookings Institution and University of Maryland; and prof. Andrew Oswald, University of Warwick.

    Round table

    On Tuesday morning the conference will host a round table on “Policy meets research” where representatives of institutions will discuss advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the well-being approach in policy making.

    Paper submission and deadlines

    To apply, please, submit an abstract complete with name of the author/s and a title to: Extended abstracts and full manuscripts are welcome.

    The deadline for application is the 15 January 2021. We will notify the authors of accepted papers by the end of March 2021.

    For more information, please, visit our conference web-site ( or send an e-mail to:

    We look forward to welcoming you in Luxembourg,

    The scientific committee:

    Serge Allegrezza, STATEC

    Martijn Burger, Erasmus University of Rotterdam

    Conchita d’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg

    Johannes Hirata, Osnabruck University

    Kelsey O’Connor, STATEC

    Chiara Peroni, STATEC

    Maurizio Pugno, University of Cassino

    Stephanie Rossouw, Auckland University of Technology

    Francesco Sarracino, STATEC

  • 5 Nov 2020 1:35 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)


    We are excited to share with you that we have an invitation to tender for a brilliant researcher - or research team - for a new project: Understanding and modelling the relationship between individual and place-based community wellbeing, jointly commissioned by the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, Centre for Ageing Better and Spirit of 2012.

    The research will focus on:

    • What is the relationship between community wellbeing and the wellbeing of different individuals and identified groups within that community (place)?
    • How can this relationship be modelled quantitatively using measures of community, individual wellbeing and measures for the quantity and quality of relationships and sense of belonging to a place?
    • What are the barriers and enablers (context and social infrastructure) to achieving a virtuous circle of positive outcomes for individuals and communities and addressing any trade-offs or risks of negative outcomes for different individuals/groups?  

    Please help us find the right researcher(s).

    The link to the tender is here:

    Please send your proposal with the subject line Submission for tender Community and Individual Wellbeing to:  no later than 5pm 6 November.

  • 15 Oct 2020 12:47 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Dear ISQOLS Community:

    After celebrating my 85th birthday last August and continuing my struggle with a variety of health problems, it occurred to me that I should begin downsizing my quality-of-life library. The biggest chunk of it is about 150 volumes (over 600 issues) of Social Indicators Research, currently running from May 1974, Volume 1, Number 1 to  November 2020, Volume 152, Number 2. I founded it and served as editor for 40 years.

       I understand that most libraries avoid hard copy journals in favour of digitized versions, but there may be an institution or individual with a special interest in having the world’s first scholarly documents developing our field. There are, of course, additional documents concerning various transactions between the journal’s editor and many other stakeholders, but these require more organizing and editing than copies of the journal itself.

       Volumes and issues of the journal are carefully boxed and I would ship them to their new owner in exchange for a tax receipt acceptable to

    Revenue Canada plus the shipping costs for the collection.

       Anyone with questions or an interest in obtaining these copies of Social Indicators Research can contact me at .



         Alex C. Michalos

  • 15 Oct 2020 12:23 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    The Economics of Happiness

    How the Easterlin Paradox Transformed Our Understanding of Well-Being and Progress

    Editors: Rojas, Mariano (Ed.)

    • Provides an overview of Richard Easterlin’s groundbreaking work on happiness and economics, widely known as the Easterlin Paradox

  • 15 Oct 2020 12:01 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,


    Please find attached the Call for Papers for the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) 2022 Special Issue on “Demographic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences”, which is open now.


    The VYPR is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal without any fees, that has been published annually by the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2003. It is addressing population trends as well as a broad range of theoretical and methodological issues in population research. The VYPR is indexed by SCOPUS, JSTOR, ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources).


    For the content of the next Special Issue on COVID-19 please see the attached call.


    Accepted papers will be published continuously online first. The printed volume with all contributions is scheduled for publication by end of 2022.


    Please find detailed information here:


    We kindly ask you to share this Call for Papers with your colleagues and within your network.


    We would also like to bring to your attention the Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2020 on the same topic of the special issue “Demographic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences”, which will be held with a hybrid format in Vienna on 30 November-1 December 2020. Please find the relevant information here:


    Thank you very much for all your efforts!


    With kind regards on behalf of the editors of the VYPR




    Petra Schmutz

    Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna)

    Austrian Academy of Sciences / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (OeAW)

    Institut für Demographie / Vienna Institute of Demography (VID)


    *** new addresss and phone number ***
    Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3

    1030 Vienna

    Tel: +43 1 51581 – 



  • 27 Sep 2020 12:19 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Subjective wellbeing and Sustainable Development 

    Special Issue of Sustainability  

    Call for papers 

    Although sustainable development was recognised as a process for change over 30 years ago, achieving sustainability still remains a challenge.  Many sustainability initiatives remain within existing systems and practices dominated by an economic growth worldview. This special issue focuses on the potential for a new worldview – subjective wellbeing - as a means of creating a different process for sustainable change. It will not only consider the extent to which sustainability initiatives contribute to subjective wellbeing, but more importantly the potential for subjective wellbeing  to provide a new narrative for sustainability and the role of individual and collective subjective wellbeing as a precursor to achieving the changes needed. This special issue will be situated within a growing field of literature that challenges the dominance of existing systems and processes, and human-centric, individualised conceptualisations of wellbeing, to bring about sustainability through whole systems transformative change. 

    More details about the SI and how to submit can be found on the website: 

    Sustainability, is an open access journal.  The costs of publication lie with the author and their institution. 


    Dr Beverley A Searle

    Senior Lecturer in Human Geography

    Department of Geography

    University of Dundee


    Dundee  DD1 4HN



    Tel:  +44(0)1382 386350


  • 15 Sep 2020 9:11 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Understanding and Measuring Child Well-Being in the Region of Attica, Greece: Round One


    Eirini Leriou

    , Aggeliki Kazani, Andreas Kollias & Christina Paraskevopoulou


    This paper aims to establish new, multi-dimensional indicators of child well-being suitable to urban regions such as Attica, Greece, and adjusted to the new form of child poverty that has become apparent during its recent financial crisis. The paper mainly argues that child well-being is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and that the financial crisis produced a specific need for new scientific tools adapted to the particular features that emerged under this circumstance. Within this context, definitions of child well-being and child poverty were developed. With these definitions as foundation, a tool comprising many indicators was formulated to record child well-being; this was applied in Attica through questionnaires addressing 27 public schools and three support centers of the organization, The Smile of the Child, covering two periods: the school years between 2010 and 2018 collectively and the school year 2018–2019 individually. The total number of children in the sample was 878, belonging to three distinct school categories. The results were mapped out in seven clusters. The theoretical and methodological framework of the study was confirmed through a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results reveal that child well-being improved in the period 2018–2019 while there were evident concerns regarding unemployment and whether the education individuals receive is relevant to what kind of people they ought to be. Finally, an action plan focusing on these dimensions and some of the clusters along with an auxiliary tool for decision-making founded on fuzzy logic have been suggested.

  • 14 Sep 2020 12:04 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Dear colleagues,

    Many of you are familiar with the conference network CAUTHE: The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education :

    We are less than a month away before the submission deadline for full papers for CAUTHE 2021 “Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future perfect in tourism, hospitality and events”.

    CAUTHE 2021 will be a virtual conference next year and a conference flyer is attached. We were asked to chair the well-being conference track for the event . You will see the list of tracks here:

    Bookmark these important dates, so you do not miss out:

    • Full paper submission: 1 October 2020
    • Working paper submission: 31 October 2020
    • Author feedback: 30 November 2020
    • Submission of revised papers: 15 December 2020
    • Online presentation of papers: 9-11 February 2021

    CAUTHE 2021 conference papers qualify for numerous awards ( and publication opportunities including a special issue in the top ranked CAUTHE journal (Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, SSCI impact factor 3.415,

    Best regards,

    Sebastian Filep and Andreas H. Zins


    Andreas H. Zins

    Full Professor
    Dean | Faculty of Business

    Curtin University Malaysia
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    Adjunct Full Professor | MODUL University Vienna |

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    Adjunct Associate Professor | Vienna University of Economics and Business |

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  • 14 Sep 2020 11:24 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS for Linking Sustainability and Happiness: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives Contracted with Springer Nature,, the book will present both applied and theoretical perspectives linking sustainability and happiness. The volume will offer critical discussion, constructive insights and informed guidance for future research and applied work that can move us closer toward a sustainable future. We will open the book with a critical review of environmental, social, and economic sustainability theories and happiness principles. We will also include an overview of the biological underpinnings of happiness, mainly focused on subconscious actions that promote our own fitness. The book will then include two major parts where authors can contribute, as detailed below, followed by a concluding section. This edited volume with all new material is planned at 12-16 chapters of original work. Chapter authors are invited from around the globe, providing a variety of theories, practices, and perspectives. There are two major parts to the volume: Part I - theories and methodologies that link sustainability and happiness (e.g., participatory research, quality of life research, sustainable development theories, asset-based community development, spirituality perspectives, and emerging theories on sustainable community development and happiness, community well-being, integrative medicine and happiness, and beauty and happiness); and Part II - applied practices meant to promote greater opportunities for happiness on the ground. Practices should also focus on simultaneously promoting sustainability. Many examples and experiences are welcomed. Proposals are sought for all sections. Please submit your chapter proposal to me at: Proposals should include: (1) your proposed title; (2) an abstract of no more than 500 words; (3) section preference (Part I or II); (4) format type - whether short essay of up to 2500 words, or chapter length from 2500 – 8000 words; (5) your contact information; and (6) a short ½ page biography. The format for the volume will be APA style. Anticipated publication date is 2019. The due date for proposals is October 1, 2020 (decisions on proposals will be sent by October 8, 2020 with full chapters due by Nov 15, 2020). Chapter authors receive a copy of the book, once published. Please reach out with questions. Scott Cloutier, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Sustainability Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85282 P: (603) 285-2296 E: DUE DATE FOR PROPOSALS October 1st, 2020

    View call here: Call for Chapters CQoLWB.pdf

  • 8 Sep 2020 11:36 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Public sector employee’s emotional well-being in challenging time

    Dr. Lihi Lahat

    The work of many people around the world is at stake – with the Corona pandemic, some people are temporarily laid off, and others have lost their jobs altogether. For those who still have jobs, the ways of working are changing. During these challenging times, it is especially interesting to examine the factors affecting employees’ well-being. Can we do things, even now, to improve well-being?

    While the interest in the topic of well-being in the workplace is not new, few researchers have examined public sector employees’ well-being, especially in a comparative perspective. A study I conducted with Dr. Dganit Ofek, recently published in the Review of Public Personnel Administration, explored factors affecting the emotional well-being of public sector employees in seven countries: Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, France, and Italy. These countries have diverse administrative cultures, so one might expect differences in the drivers of well-being.

    The findings revealed that the country context and the work surroundings were more influential than the fact of belonging to the public sector. Another interesting finding was that soft features of the work environment, such as discretion over the workday, a good work-life balance, and social interactions, were more important to emotional well-being than hard features, such as the type of contract or position (e.g., managerial). Moreover, these variables had a different effect in different countries. For example, the French administrative culture involves bureaucrats in policy decisions; consequently, in France, participation in decision making had a more profound effect on public employees’ well-being. In Spain, characterized as a culture of strong family and social ties, social relationships were more important.

    The findings are interesting, especially given the current demand for human resource divisions around the world to find new ways to better their employees’ well-being. The study raises our awareness of the important connection between the administrative culture, work surroundings, and well-being.

    It seems that when HR departments attempt to improve public sector employees’ well-being, they should focus on the soft features of the work surroundings. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, involving employees in organizational decision making on what changes and flexibilities to implement in the work routine may support their well-being. Another example could be to create interactive forums so workers can share their experiences and ways of operating in this challenging period. When implementing different steps, however, it is important to consider the unique features of the country’s administrative culture and not automatically embrace HR strategies from another country. Finding strategies attuned to the features of a specific country may better address public sector employees’ emotional well-being

    For the full paper see:

    Lahat, L., & Ofek, D. (2020). Emotional well-being among public employees: A comparative perspective. Review of Public Personnel Administration

    1An early version of this post was published in Hebrew on the Espanet Israel website.

    Lihi Lahat(Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, Israel) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Administration & Public Policy at Sapir Academic College and Affiliate Associate Professor, Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies, Concordia University, Montreal. Her papers have been published in journals such as Policy Sciences, Social Policy & Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Governance and Poverty & Public Policy.


The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

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